
Islamic Widget

Saturday, December 25, 2010

and the truth is.

dgn lafaz basmallah.

hi all.

and the truth is I HATE KIDS.
like seriously. no doubt. no offence okay!
no explaination on that but i do hate kids.
but.. but.. i love BABY.
i mean real baby.
KIDS and BABY itu sgt berbeza okay.

KIDS-- merujuk kpd kanak2 yg sudah besar,sgt nakal,
tak dgr ckp dan sgt comot (3 tahun ke atas)
BABY--merujuk kpd bayi yg masih comel dan
yg penting tak comot dan nakal.

why i hate kids???

as i mention before.
  1. nakal
  2. comot
  3. bising
  4. berak dalam seluar
  5. suka pukul org
  6. tak dengar cakap
  7. asyik mintak gula2 aje
  8. pendek kata, diorang ni SUSAH NAK JAGA
tapi kalau i dah beranak pinak nnt takde la jaga time baby je.
pastu bila dah besar sikit i buang kat tong sampah.
(mpspk pon dtg angkut semua sampah2 sarap tu)
bukan lah sampai macam tu.
i'll work on that la. :)

apa2 pon, kids, WATCHOUT!
we're not done yet.-,-


Amiera. said...

I HAVE TO AGREE WITH THAT. sometimes. aku benci jgk budak2. -__-'

Mim Hasniyah Yusof said...

anak sedara aku baru nak masuk 10 bulan... tapi... tak larat gak aku nak jaga... huhu...

Anonymous said...

dik, patutla bdk2 xske hang eh..sbb hg xske depa..hehe